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1 / 37

1. React.js is written in which of the following language?

2 / 37

2. What does the following JSX code render?

{'Hello' + 'World'}

3 / 37

3. What is the correct order of lifecycle phases in a React class component?

4 / 37

4. What is the issue in this component definition?

function MyComponent(props) { return <h1>{props.title}</h1>; }


5 / 37

5. Identify the error in the following JSX:

<div>Hello World</div><div>Welcome</div>

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6. In JSX, how do you express JavaScript variables?

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7. Which of the following is correct about prop in react?

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8. What are Props in React?

9 / 37

9. JSX stands for...

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10. Which of the following is a correct way to define a component's initial state in a class component?

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11. Which of the following is a correct way to comment in JSX?

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12. How does React determine whether to re-render a component in response to state changes?

13 / 37

13. Consider this code snippet:

<div><MyComponent /></div> 

What does MyComponent represent here?

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14. In React, what is the role of a key prop in a list of elements?

15 / 37

15. Which of the following command is used to Install create-react-app?

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16. Which of the following acts as the input of a class-based component?

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17. What will be the output of this code snippet?
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { count: 1 };
} render() {


; } }

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18. Which of the following is method is not a part of ReactDOM?

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19. Which lifecycle method is called right before a component is unmounted from the DOM?

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20. What is the primary use of the componentDidUpdate method in a class component?

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21. What does the setState() function do in a class component?

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22. JSX is processed into...

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23. How many elements can a valid react component return?

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24. What is React primarily used for?

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25. Which feature of React allows it to efficiently update the UI?

26 / 37

26. In which condition is the React.js Lifecycle method static
getDerivedSateFromProps(props, state) is called?

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27. How are state and props different in React?

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28. Which of the following is true about React components?

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29. In which of the following directory React Components are saved?

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30. A functional component in React is...

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31. In which lifecycle method should you make API calls in a class component?

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32. What is the primary purpose of props in React?

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33. What is the correct syntax for embedding a JavaScript expression in JSX?

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34. JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag.
What is this concept known as?

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35. What will be displayed on the screen for the following JSX code:
<div>{2 * 5}</div>

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36. Which of the following is used to pass data to a component from outside in React?

37 / 37

37. What is React.js?

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